Sendero is proud to partner with Camp John Marc (CJM), an inspiring organization that provides a specialized camp experience for children, teens, and families living with chronic medical and physical challenges. Since its establishment in 1991, the number of CJM campers has grown from 500 to over 3000 on average per year. Through partnerships with Dallas-Ft. Worth area pediatric hospitals, and over 1,000 volunteers, each camper is able to experience high-quality camp activities with two-thirds of the cost subsidized through private funding.
Building on its multi-year history with Camp John Marc, Sendero recently completed a project to help the organization streamline its annual campaign, the Campership Drive, which raises funds for campers. Sendero assisted with optimizing the Drive process, increasing automation and efficiency by migrating data into their CMS solution, and ultimately defining a process that will be sustainable for future Campership Drives.
In addition to providing operational services, Sendero team members also rolled up their sleeves this past Spring as they volunteered for one of CJM’s “Work Days”, completing multiple projects from fence-painting to landscaping, in order to help prepare the campgrounds for new campers and families arriving this summer.
From participating in Work Days to campaign fundraising, there are a litany of opportunities for anyone to serve at CJM. Randles continues:
“Our summer camp season is in full swing, but it is not too late to get involved! Come down to camp any Sunday throughout the summer [and] serve hamburgers to the campers and staff.”