At the core of Sendero’s work is a passion for people, our dynamic culture, and the desire to consistently deliver quality results. Passion, one of our firm’s five core values, is celebrated throughout all layers of the organization because we know that driven employees bring value and take companies to the next level.
As a result, we are always seeking tangible ways to support employees’ passions. One way we do this is through our ongoing individual and collective efforts addressing social issues in Dallas and Houston.
Jennifer Rossi, a Manager at Sendero, shares how Sendero has supported her passion and offers insights on how you can do the same.
Art has always been an important part of Jennifer’s life, and she is grateful she had the opportunity to explore this passion from an early age.
“My mom says I was born with a crayon in my hand,” Jennifer said. “I had access to art—my parents were able to pay for me to have art classes over the summer.”
Jennifer feels lucky to have had the opportunity to immerse herself in art education and believes every child should have that same access.
“[Art] changes how I see the world and how I see things. I want to make sure as many kids as possible have the opportunity to access art and have it change their worldview.”
Driven by a passion sparked in childhood, a love for art followed Jennifer into her adult life. While attending business school at Rice, she got involved with City ArtWorks, a non-profit organization that makes visual, hands-on art more accessible to elementary school kids. City ArtWorks has served the Greater Houston area since 1982 and provides curriculum-based art classes and events, as well as grant-funded projects like art therapy. She initially served on the board as a non-voting member for a year and has remained actively involved for six years, serving as treasurer for the past three years.
After learning of Jen’s passion, Sendero supported her work with City ArtWorks in many ways, hosting annual art supply drives and providing matching donations to assist in the overall mission of the organization. In addition, a team of Senderoans even provided pro bono support by writing a revenue growth strategy for City ArtWorks. The organization would go on to become one of the company’s first Community Wall organizations, a formal program in which Sendero partners with local non-profits to give back to the community.